Save Or Delete

Klinte & The Klintells (Stereo)



NOTE: The show is hosted on a Youtube channel. Depending on your browser settings when show ends the stream may continue to other stuff. Please stop the show manually if that annoys you.

There you are. Minding your own business, Relaxing. Then the doorbell wake you up and some stranger request answers to your stands on all sorts of existential issues like hunger, cancer, child abuse and afterlife. Let's deal with the last one now. 


Hey whats up. I'm busy chilling with the guys.
I am not bying no matter what the prize.
No we are not selling is free Salvation and life in all eternity

No booze, no flex, no rock and roll forever?
Sounds like boring hell to me

I dont want to be saved,
I want to be deleted.


Analogue and software instruments played by Ole Klintebæk
Logic Session Player used for keyboard and drums
Doorbell: Ole Klintebæk
Vocal: ASTERIAN from Dreamtronic Synthesizer V
Choir: MIsc. ACE Studio voices

Pictures was prompted via Midjourney and Adobe Firefly and manipulated in Photoshop 26.

Other songs by Klinte & The Klintells

I Do I Do I Do